ASPS Report Shows Second Year of Consecutive Growth in Plastic Surgery Market

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons released their annual statistics report last week, and it shows that Americans chose 1.6 million procedures last year.

When combined with minimally invasive procedures like Botox or Laser Treatment, the total comes to a much greater 13.8 million procedures.

Based on the latest statistics, the society is reporting a 5 percent increase in procedures for 2011.

Patients under 50 may benefit from maintenance facelifts

People with early signs of aging can achieve good results and high satisfaction 10 years or more after their face lift, according to a new study in the latest issue of?Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

A previous study found that older patients were more likely to have lower satisfaction scores, with varying facelift results. This new study by Doctors Liu and Owsley (at California Pacific Medical Center) involved comparisons of long-term and short-term patient satisfaction scores, combined with analysis of long-term results using photo analysis. Three age groups were selected: younger than 50, 50 to 60, and over age 60.

“Remarkable Maintenance of Youthful Appearance”

Patients who had a facelift before age 50 showed “remarkable maintenance of their youthful appearance,” according to the authors. At both short and long-term follow-up, younger patients reported higher satisfaction scores. Their scores were further supported by photo analysis.

The study results support the idea of performing “maintenance” facelifts for patients who don’t have significant signs of aging. “Younger patients who have facelifts (<50 years old) have longest lasting results with less noticeable postoperative changes,” Drs. Liu and Owsley say. Because at 50, the visible signs of aging represent “the tip of the iceberg” in relation to changes beneath the skin that come later.

Many patients in this age group are likely to treat facial wrinkles and other localized signs using injectables. For a long-lasting result, it may be a better idea to undergo a face lift. The changes after facial rejuvenation surgery will also be more subtle, so patients can be modest about having cosmetic surgery.


With consumer confidence rising across the board, the demand for plastic surgery is rising as well.

“Consumer confidence was up and auto sales rose 10 percent,” said ASPS President Malcom Roth, “so it is not surprising that we would also see increased demand for plastic surgery procedures,” he concluded.

Procedures in cosmetic surgery increased 2 percent. For the first time since 2004, facelift surgery is among the top five cosmetic surgeries.

The number of tummy tucks decreased during 2011, while chin augmentation nearly doubled. Here are the top 5 for 2011:

  • 307,000 Breast augmentation procedures
  • 244,000 Rhinoplasty procedures
  • 205,000 Liposuction procedures
  • 196,000 Eyelid surgery procedures
  • 119,000 Facelift procedures

Surgeons also reported a sharp increase in lip augmentation procedures; at more than 25,000 procedures performed, they were up 49 percent from 2010.
